During a child's stay at The Father's Heart, they are given love, attention, and a chance to be a kid again! All school age children attend the local schools, and volunteers from local churches often come to teach Bible stories and help the children with their homework. Some receive visits from interested relatives throughout the week, and all receive visits on Saturday afternoons when we open up for visits from the general public. Our children also enjoy going to our swimming pool, playing on the playground, going to a local church on Sundays, and going on outings here in the city.
This work started in 2012 as a work of faith in The Great Heavenly Father, God, who is the reason for our existence. It is our goal to help every child who comes through our project to personally experience the love of the Father God toward them. We've seen many lives restored by His Love - including our own - and it´s our tremendous pleasure to share Him with others!
The Father's Heart operates with a capacity of 70+ children from 0-21 years old, and is usually full. We have many newborns who come to us at birth or immediately thereafter. Some have been born severely premature, others come to us with drug addiction due to contaminated mother´s milk, and several others have come with life-threatening conditions. We've received many children - even infants - who were abused sexually, many times by their own families. We've also received children who have been physically tortured in a variety of ways. The list goes on and on and our hearts are crushed over each new case. Nevertheless, it's our extreme joy to be the hands and feet of Jesus by personally sharing His Love with each one of these precious children!
The Father's Heart survives on donations from people who believe in what we're doing and want to help us continue our work here. Each day that we're able to keep our doors open is literally a miracle. We began this work entirely on faith, without any earthly resources, only with God and His miracles! Through the years, He's enabled us to keep our doors open and has given us the pleasure of rescuing more than two hundred children in these six years that we've existed. To God be the Glory! And a great big "Thank You" to each of you who've made this possible!
The Father's Heart - An expression of love, straight from God the Father Himself!
The Father's Heart has the extreme pleasure of giving immediate shelter to children rescued from high risk situations. These children are immediately taken in and receive individualized attention to their physical and emotional needs, thus providing initial relief from the dangerous situations they were taken from. Our social workers and psychologists then evaluate the children and their family's situation, looking for solutions to their individual problems. Solutions are offered and detailed reports are given to the government authorities who accompany the entire process.
Each child stays at The Father´s Heart until our local judge decides what they think is best for the child. Sometimes they are eventually returned to their parents and at other times they are entrusted to a relative. In the cases where no parents or qualified relatives are available, the child is made available for adoption. All these decisions are made by the government authorities - not us.
The Father's Heart © 2016. All rights reserved.
For their privacy & safety, The Father's Heart does not post photos of the individual faces of children at the orphanage. All photos showing children's faces are stock photos. Privacy Policy